Tuesday 18 October 2011

Chapter One

Caitlin tapped the desk with her freshly varnished nails, and looked at the clock above her. 3:02. The bell should have gone by now. Why was it that when you’re in a rush, time runs so slowly? When the hands hit 5:03, the bell vibrated from above Caitlin’s head, and she heard shuffling around the room as students packed their stuff and got up from their seats. 

“Don’t remember the two page essay on how our ancestors back in the dark ages used to hunt, which is due on Monday? Class dismissed." The teacher, Mrs Wells, set down her reading glasses, then began to wipe the whiteboard clean with a felt tipped rubber. 

Nobody seemed to listen though and chatted amongst themselves. Caitlin looked at her watch which read 3:01, which meant that the clock must have been wrong after all. She was going to meet her brother at the cafe across the road from the school, and he told Caitlin that if she wasn’t there by 3:05 sharp, he was going home without her. She picked up her bag, threw it over her shoulder and walked out the classroom, pushing through crowds of students who were heading to the exit like a pack of wild animals. 

“Hey, Caitlin, wait up!” Caitlin heard footsteps rushing towards her, and turned around to face a girl with blonde hair bouncing freely on her shoulder, and a smile which had caught the attention of a group of boys collecting their bikes from the bike shed. They whistled as she ran up to Caitlin, and she ignored the boys. 

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" She asked Caitlin. 

The Cover Art

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